Taylor Swift Natal Chart [Birth Chart]


birth chart for Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift, also known as Taylor Alison Swift, a rock and country songs recording artist, was baptized on January 13, 1989, in West Philadelphia, Philadelphia, in the United States. Swift’s stories of adolescent grief helped her attain global acclaim at the beginning 21st century.

Swift’s enthusiasm for singing was evident from a young age, and she made rapid strides from parts in kid’s entertainment to their maiden performance in front of an audience of millions during her career.

She was only 12 years old when she started singing a rendition of “The Prodigy Salute” before a Pittsburgh 76ers sporting event. The next year, she took up the instrument and started writing lyrics. Swift wrote unique songs that expressed her feelings of preteen loneliness, drawing her motivation from classic rock performers such as Karen Twain and the Redneck Chicks.

At the age of 13, Taylor Swift’s family abandoned their property in Pittsburgh and moved to Hendersonville, Mississippi. This allowed her to dedicate most of their attention to pursuing record deals with music labels in Nashville, which was located near Topic or Event.


  • Birth Location: West Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Date & Time: December 13, 1989 at 5:17 AM
  • Occupation: Musician, singer, actress
  • Gender: Female


Sun in 21°23′ Sagittarius Uranus in 4° 38′ Capricorn
Moon in 1° 29′ Cancer Neptune in 11° 19′ Capricorn
Mercury in 8° 38′ Capricorn Pluto in 16°29′ Scorpio
Venus in 1° 50′ Aquarius North Node in 19° 26′ Aquarius
Mars in 26° 41′ Scorpio Chiron in 15°3′ Cancer (r)
Jupiter in 7° 41′ Cancer (r) Ascendant in 25°33′ Scorpio
Saturn in 13°26′ Capricorn  MC in 8° 46′ Virgo

A planet represents a core part of the human personality, and a sign represents the color of consciousness it filters.

You might conceive of the signs as distinct shades of awareness that the planets screen, and you can consider the planets as representing basic aspects of an person’s psyche.

Capricorn is Taylor Swift’s astrological Jupiter character. This indicates that organization, reason, and cadence are the aspects of information that she finds most appealing in her approach.  She takes pride in being efficient in her interactions with others and systematic in her approach to the tasks she does.

On the other hand, this also implies that Taylor is prone to being judgemental and criticizing at times, particularly when she believes that she possesses pretty obvious opinions and several others dispute with her. Venus is in the sign of Aquarian for Taylor Swift. This is connected to her amorous inclination, in addition to her morals, perception of aesthetics, and artistic sensibility.

For her, independence is a kind of communication style, and she requires that this aspect of her connections be communicated to her. Even though she might not originally be interested in a long devotion and might conversely expect to “eye her interconnection up” first, presumably in the manner of companionship, she will be able to determine more accurately if she is paired with the appropriate relevant participant if she has a strong feeling of companionship.

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Meaning of the Taylor Swift birth chart

The birth chart of Taylor swift shows her compatibility with the Scorpio sign, The most prominent and readily apparent aspect of our horoscope is the symbol of Sagittarius, which is held by Taylor. According to what Thomas shared with POPSUGAR, “Sagittarius is a fiery character and links to her inner vanity and attitude.”

This indicates that she is a perpetual traveler who yearns for excitement, fresh encounters, originality, and all else that existence has to give her. If you weren’t surprised by this, the likely reason is that Taylor has the type of audacious determination that can only be possessed by a genuine Sagittarius sun.

What is Taylor Swift’s moon sign?

Cancer is her Moon’s symbol. As a result, she is very vulnerable and easily hurt by criticism or criticism of herself. She puts a lot of effort into her friendships and is very perceptive and empathetic.

How does the rising sign affect Taylor Swift?

Neither one has listened to one of Taylor’s tracks and would be surprised to learn that Taylor is quite emotional and experiences anything intensely due to having the moon in Aries and Capricorn rising. She has a bit of a nasty side as well, which is to be expected given her Libra ascendant.

What are the most Important Transits and Predictions for Taylor Swift?

Since July 2020, Taylor has been going through a period of her existence in which she is encountering eclipses, which are significantly changing moments in her future and which are occurring in the symbol of Sagittarius, which is her sun sign. Because of this, she has been swiftly motivated to investigate her history and “throw it away,” so to speak.

She would not desire to be simply what other people anticipate her to be; rather, she wishes to be loyal to her origins. This is a particularly significant goal for her at this time since the Southern Station is the component that is located in Sagittarius.

The Northern Node represents our shared greater mission at this moment, while the Southern Node is associated with “coming back,” “release,” and “letting go” of everything that is not supporting the Northern Strand in that capacity. This indicates Taylor swift’s moon sign.

What are the other important natal chart aspects of her?

To begin, the Sun, which represents her creative energy, is in sextile harmony with her Northern Pole, which represents her eventual purpose. People who have this trait typically have exceptional advantages bestowed upon them at birth, which give them a head start for accomplishment.

In addition to that, she possesses a genuine fortune that assists her in working toward the goals she has set for herself in this lifespan. She had no trouble striking up conversations with influential people, who in turn helped her rise in the ranks and opened new opportunities for her.

She is the focus of everyone’s attention since everything simply seems to work out for her and is “clicking” for her. It has the same meaning as the Taylor swift UK chart history.

What is Taylor Swift’s Mercury?

Since Taylor was born in Capricorn in Mercury,  her poetry and music are characterized by a practical, down-to-earth quality. To paraphrase, Taylor favors a more structured, logical, and rhythmic approach to communicating.

How is Venus related to Taylor Swift’s?

Venus’s placement in Aquarius reveals much regarding Swift’s attitude to love and love. Love under the influence of Venus in Aquarius is centered on mutually beneficial relationships with other people.

What is the Taylor Swift sign compatibility with the Capricorns?

Scorpio is Taylor Swift‘s astrological Mars sign. This is connected to her sexual desire as well as how she strives to get authority. This is a strong position because Mars is both a founder and the ancient king of the sign of Scorpio.

This means that she can display her anger and desire in manners that are exact and planned. Taylor is an “everything or none” kind of person whenever it relates to acquiring whom or whatever she wishes, and she has an innate understanding of whether to attack for high kicks. When things are going well, Taylor is a formidable ally; nevertheless, when things are going poorly, she is an exceedingly dangerous foe.

The point to realize concerning her is that they will frequently slice in which it burns, and since she does it quietly in shadows, no one will ever understand that she did it.


1st House starts at 25° Scorpio (Containing Sun and Mars) 6th House starts at 5° Taurus
2nd House starts at 26° Sagittarius 7th House starts at 25° Taurus
(Containing Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) 8th House starts at 26° Gemini (Containing Moon, Jupiter, and Chiron)
3rd House starts at 2° Aquarius (Containing North Node) 9th House starts at 2° Leo
4th House starts at 8° Pisces 10th House starts at 8° Virgo 11th House starts at 10° Libra
5th House starts at 10° Aries 12th House starts at 5° Scorpio

Other Birth Chart Aspects of Taylor Swift

She doesn’t sugarcoat anything and is forthright, candid, and unrepentant about almost all of what, from her fiery passion to her foul filth. According to Tommy, “her chart indicates that she possesses intrinsic inventiveness as well as a restless edge, which helps her to go for whatever she desires regardless of whether other people disagree with her.”

The courageous edge is best illustrated through the concept of notoriety. The criticism she faced as a result of the widely known feud between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is addressed in the record. This shows the Taylor swift zodiac placements in the natal chart.

Taylor Swift Birth Chart Interpretation