Kurt Cobain Birth Chart

SUN IN Pisces


  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 20 February 1967 – 19:38h
  • Birthplace: Aberdeen, Washington
  • Country: United States
  • Age: 27 years
  • Death: 5 April 1994 (Cause: Suicide by Gunshot)


Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967. He was an American singer who got famous in very less time. Cobain had a for the most part amazing childhood life until his friends separated when he was nine years of age. After that, he was quite disturbed and furious and turned into a sad person.

As a youngster, he moved between different family members’ homes and remained with friends.

Cobain was gifted from the beginning, and during the 1980s he started to play with people from the neighborhood “slop rock” band the Melvins. Later, in 1985 he made a hand-crafted tape of certain tunes with the drummer of the Melvins that later grabbed the eye of nearby bassist Krist Novoselic.


Sun in 53° 29’Leo Uranus in 5° 00’Capricorn(r)
Moon in 18° 90’Virgo Neptune in 19° 48’Capricorn(r)
Mercury in 91° 64’Virgo Pluto in 13° 35’Scorpio
Venus in 9° 39’Leo North Node in 9° 83’Aquarius(r)
Mars in 14° 59’Taurus Chiron in 15° 64’Cancer
Jupiter in 0° 36’Leo Ascendant in 2° 93’Sagittarius
Saturn in 38° 63’Capricorn(r) MC in 19° 74’Virgo
A planet represents a core part of the human personality, and a sign represents the color of consciousness it filters.

As the number of planets shows water signs, various things hang out in Kurt’s birth chart. Among these, generally fascinating to me is Pluto rising yet tracked down in the twelfth house. Pluto, then again, would have been serious areas of strength for as impact on Kurt’s personality as Uranus was, and may try and have been all the more so because it didn’t exactly have the chance to house itself thoughts completely, residing just underneath the surface in the private twelfth.

Since the twelfth house rules, in addition to other things, confinement, we can securely expect that Kurt had serious areas of strength and sensations of being detached. Pluto in this position would show self-examination that is practically over the top and frequently counter-useful, as well as amazing quality.

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Meaning of the Kurt Cobain’s Birth Chart

As you know, the birth chart of astrology explains the life history of the person. These planets can go against the moon or Mercury. These last planets, normally, were dropping in his natal chart. It is indicated by the blue bolt. Mercury addresses our discourse, correspondence, and thinking and thinking. Cobain’s Mercury, similar to his Venus, is in watery and delicate Pisces.

This lets us know his correspondence and beliefs are delicate, compassionate, and feeling and feeling based. Saturn, best case scenario, shapes optimism into something else sensible, organized and genuine. Which can be a gift or a revile. To jump into Kurt Cobain’s life in the ensemble of his stars and comprehend his birth chart according to an elective viewpoint, taking into account the ideas of the Music of the Spheres is fundamental.

The idea of the Music of the Circles offers comprehension of the music as divine. Every human with their psycho-otherworldly has an exceptional voice to resound their internal universe, which joined in play with others makes amazing sounds into the universe.

What health issues did Kurt CobainCobain have throughout his life? 

Kurt Cobain is a healthy man but since his birth, he suffered from chronic bronchitis. He was suffering from stomach problems as well. Doctors warned him to be careful in terms of illness but he never took the advice seriously. He always used to go to concerts and for his fans, he used to neglect his health.

Later his health started deteriorating and he got super ill in the end he lost the battle of life. People still remember him and listens to his songs as he was among the top singers all over the globe.

Is Kurt Cobain a Scorpio?

In addition to having the Sun and three other planets located in the imaginative and lyrical sign of Pisces at the time of his birth, Kurt Cobain’s birth chart also had a considerable emphasis on the characteristics of the other two aquatic signs, Cancer and Scorpio.

What is Kurt Cobain’s personality type?

“INFP” Kurt is often quiet, optimistic, and flexible due to his INFP personality type. In general, Kurt loves spending time by himself or in little gatherings of people, and he most probably wants to be an observer and think independently during conversations.

What is the net worth of Kurt Cobain?

The total net worth of Kurt Cobain was $50 Million. As he was paid a heavy amount because of his melodious voice. His concerts used to have huge gatherings and tickets used to sell within minutes. He always used to interact with his friends which is why he got very famous. Almost every month he used to have 5 to 6 concerts which used to pay him a very heavy amount.

Who inherited the net worth of Kurt CobainCobain after his death? 

As everyone knew that he was suffering from stomach illness the only people who were with him were his wife and daughter. He used to love them unconditionally and they were actually with him till his last breath.

When he got sick and got to know that his survival chances are very low he asked his lawyer to divide all his properties, assets, and net worth between his wife and daughter as they were the most strong pillars in his life.

What is Kurt Cobain’s astrology chart?

The prominence of Pisces and Neptune in Kurt’s chart, together with the presence of water, hints about huge reservoirs of empathy, inventiveness, and want to connect.

Was Kurt Cobain a Virgo?

Even though Kurt was a Pisces, both his Sun and Mercury were shining brightly in his Sixth House, often known as the House of Service. This is an earthhouse that is controlled by Virgo, the indication that is opposed to Pisces.


1st House starts at 49 Scorpio 7th House starts at 19° Taurus
2nd House starts at 39° Capricorn 8th House starts at  39 °Cancer
3rd House starts at 30° Aquarius 9th House starts at 39 °Leo
4th House starts at 95° Pisces 10th House starts at 90° Virgo
5th House starts at 22° Aries 11th House starts at 30° Libra
6th House starts at 04° Taurus 12th House starts at 49° Scorpio

Other aspects of Kurt Cobain Birth chart

Kurt Cobain performs with Nirvana in 1993.

As you know, the birth chart has different meanings. Likewise, Pluto is the rising twelfth house planet. Pluto rules demise. A solid Pluto in any birth chart gives the person a strong need to recover and significance and reason. It wants power and is in some cases fanatically joined.

It is sensational in its need to make quick work of things, to uncover. While PlutoWhile Pluto is not perceived or used usefully. As people can be pointless and have weird sensations.

KURT COBAIN ASTROLOGY | Pisces, Art, & Escapism